Technical University of Munich

University of Excellence
TUM. THE ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY. Innovation by Talents, Excellence, and Responsibility
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) already received funding in the Excellence Initiative and has received funding in the Excellence Strategy with its strategy "TUM. THE ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY. Innovation by Talents, Excellence, and Responsibility". One focus of its strategy is to further strengthen interdisciplinary research by carrying out a structural reform that is gradually replacing the tradi-tional faculties with so-called schools.
Founded in 1868, with over 50,000 students the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the largest technical universities in Germany. With the “TUM Agenda 2030” institutional strategy, which is to be implemented as part of the funding as a University of Excellence, the institution aims to position itself for the future. Under the guiding principle of “Human-centered Engineering”, TUM aims to integrate the humanities and social sciences, which are also to be expanded, into its technical disciplines.
In addition, its governance structure is being reformed by replacing the traditional faculties with schools. Another goal of TUM is to further strengthen interdisciplinary research at the university. To support its researchers in and beyond academia, TUM relies on its Institute for Advanced Study, a tailored career program for early career researchers, and its Institute for Lifelong Learning. Further, TUM aims to expand its national and international collaborations by extending its international networks while also working more closely with research institutions within the Munich metropolitan area as part of the ONE MUNICH Strategy Forum.