Dresden University of Technology

Fritz-Foerster-Bau, TU Dresden
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, TU Dresden (© Crispin-Iven Mokry)
University of Excellence

TUD 2028 – Synergy and beyond

With its strategy “TUD 2028 – Synergy and beyond”, Dresden University of Technology continues its success in the predecessor programme Excellence Initiative. With this funding, the university aims to become more innovative, interdisciplinary and international.

Dresden University of Technology (TUD) was founded in 1828 and with 17 faculties and 119 study programs is one of the largest technical universities in Germany today. The university’s profile is characterized by five research foci in the areas of (1) health sciences, biomedicine and bioengineering, (2) information technology and microelectronics, (3) materials science and engineering, (4) energy, mobility and environment, and (5) culture and social change.

With the strategy “TUD 2028 – Synergy and beyond”, TUD builds upon its strategy funded in the Excellence Initiative, pursuing the goal of developing into an internationally visible and regionally anchored institution. It wants to position itself permanently as one of the five top-level universities in Germany. To achieve this, the university intends to recruit and promote scientific talent at all career levels, expand research fields and collaborations, increase its impact in research, industry and society, and expand science communication and civic participation in the sense of the “Dresden Spirit”.


Funded Clusters of Excellence