Berlin Mathematics Research Center
This is essential to further exploit the strength of mathematics for a wide range of important applications: mathematics is able to uncover the hidden principles that lie behind complex systems, thereby enabling deeper insights, improved predictions, and information-based decisions. Not only will MATH+ make a difference for industry and society, but it will also advance mathematics itself: novel fields of application pose a multitude of new challenges for mathematical abstraction, methods, and problem solving, thereby involving innovative approaches from the entire spectrum of mathematics.
To achieve its ambitious goals, MATH+ is–on the one side–based on the active and close collaboration of researchers at the mathematics institutes of the universities FU Berlin, HU Berlin, and TU Berlin, as well as at the non-university institutes Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) and Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). On the other side, the mathematicians are closely collaborating with leading specialists and research institutions from diverse application fields in the rich and excellent Berlin research landscape as well as with international partners.
Integral to the MATH+ mission is the research training and education of talented young researchers at various qualification levels for career paths both inside and outside academia. As our graduate school, the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) provides a wide spectrum of mathematical courses, complemented by comprehensive mentoring, training, and networking offers. A special focus is on gender and diversity. Transforming the world through mathematics implies the transfer of knowledge to industry and to society at large, including schools and the general public.
The structure of MATH+ integrates and merges the Research Center Matheon , which was funded from 2002 to 2014 by the DFG and subsequently by the Einstein Center for Mathematics ECMath until 2018, and the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), a large mathematics graduate school funded by the DFG in the Excellence Initiative since 2006.
Involved Institutions:
- Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS) Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
- Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB)