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Universities of Excellence

The search provides information on the Universities of Excellence. By clicking on "Select filters" you can search for specific federal states and funding lines.

2 Results

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University of Excellence

University of Bonn

WE invest in people – WE foster networks – WE create impact

The University of Bonn was successful with its strategy „WE invest in people – WE foster networks – WE create impact“. The core elements of its strategy are the six Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs), which promote cutting-edge research across faculties on selected future topics.

The Main Building of the University of Bonn
University of Excellence

RWTH Aachen University

The Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology. Knowledge. Impact. Networks.

RWTH Aachen University (RWTH) has been funded in the Excellence Strategy since 2019. Before, it was also funded in the Excellence Initiative. The title of its overall strategy is "The Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology. Knowledge. Impact. Networks."

Main building and SuperC of RWTH Aachen University