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Clusters of Excellence
The search provides information on the Clusters of Excellence. By clicking on "Select filters" you can search for specific federal states, research areas and funding lines.
20 Results
Unifying Systems in Catalysis
UniSysCat is an interdisciplinary research network working jointly on coupled reactions in catalysis. To master this challenge, our research groups are comprising molecular and structural biologists, biochemists and biophysicists, physical and theoretical chemists as well as physicists.
The Ocean Floor
Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface
The ocean floor, which makes up 71 % of the Earth’s solid surÂface, lies an avÂerÂage of 3,700 meters beÂneath the ocean surÂface. The difÂfiÂculties reÂlated to acÂcessÂibÂilÂity neÂcesÂsitÂate ship exÂpedÂiÂtions and the use of highly speÂcialÂized unÂderÂwaÂter equipÂment for its exÂplorÂaÂtion.
A Unifying Approach to Emergent Phenomena in the Physical World, Mathematics and Complex Data
The cluster of excellence STRUCTURES explores new concepts and methods for understanding how structure, collective phenomena, and complexity emerge from the fundamental laws of physics. These concepts are also central for finding structures in large datasets, and for realizing new forms of analogue computing.
Ruhr Explores Solvation
What role do solvent molecules have in phenomena like protein reactions in cells, sustainable reuse of CO2 or the origin of life? Since 2012, we mix our expertise in chemistry, physics and biology to answer these kind of questions.
Light an Matter at the Quantum Frontier
QuantumFrontiers' research focuses on the basic pillars of metrology: foundations and applications. The foundations of metrology focus on the fundamental properties of light, matter and their interactions.
Quantum Universe
The understanding of mass and gravity at the interface between quantum physics and cosmology is the core research objective of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe.
The PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence makes unique contributions to the investigation of the deep open questions surrounding the validity of the Standard Model. PRISMA+ scientists search for new particles and forces via a combination of innovative precision experiments performed on the JGU campus and large-scale experiments at international facilities.
Post Lithium Storage
The Cluster of Excellence POLiS develops the necessary new battery materials and technology concepts for efficient and sustainable storage of electrical energy.
Physics of Life - The Dynamic Organization of Living Matter
The key objective of the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life is to identify principles that govern the dynamic spatiotemporal organization of life at the scales of molecules, cells and tissues, by utilizing innovative experimental approaches, theoretical predictions and computer simulation. We aim to provide an understanding of how biological processes emerge from the laws of physics, to deepen our understanding of living biological matter.
From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life
The Excellence Cluster ORIGINS investigates the origin of the Universe and life. The interdisciplinary research network emerges from the very fruitful collaboration between astro-, particle- and nuclear physicists within the previous Excellence Cluster Universe, which explored fundamental properties of the Universe.
Matter and Light for Quantum Computing
ML4Q stands for Matter and Light for Quantum Computing. The Cluster of Excellence set off in 2019 for a long collaborative journey in order to develop new computing and networking architectures using new findings in the fundamental research in solid-state physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science.
Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology
MCQST is investigating the scientific basis for complex quantum systems and establishing the technological foundation of quantum technology, a key next-generation technology for the 21st century. It brings together groundbreaking research from fields such as quantum computing, quantum information systems, quantum sensors, and novel quantum materials. The main goal is to build a globally leading center for quantum science and technology with a multidisciplinary approach, and to create, through targeted structural measures, an environment that changes the existing scientific and technological context.
Mathematics Münster
Dynamics – Geometry – Structure
Our cluster "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics — Geometry — Structure" aims to further develop mathematics in Münster into a research centre with high international visibility. We will tackle fundamentally important mathematical problems, viewing mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions. Our research is unified by three major approaches: focusing on the underlying structure of a given problem, taking the geometric viewpoint and studying the relevant dynamics of group or semigroup actions.
Berlin Mathematics Research Center
The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ sets out to advance mathematics itself and its interdisciplinary power with the aim of achieving progress on grand challenges in a wide variety of application fields.
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
The theme of the Hausdorff Center is mathematics, of which we share a broad and dynamic vision. At its center stands the classical core: the mathematics of famous and fruitful conjectures, the mathematics that is in symbiosis with theoretical physics, and which continually reveals to us deep and unexpected connections.
Today’s sustainable energy research gains momentum by targeting specific energy technologies and their related materials. The cluster e-conversion instead strives to establish a complementary paradigm that bridges major energy conversion strategies ranging from photovoltaics over (photo)electrocatalysis to batteries by focusing on the materials interfaces that underlie these functions.
CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter
Functionalities are at the heart of the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter“. Atoms bind together and form solids, molecules interact and react - new functionalities emerge with increasing complexity and growing system size.
Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter
The Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter is a leading international center for research on topological and complex quantum matter. Our aim is to develop a deep understanding of quantum phenomena in general and to identify materials in which those phenomena are observed in the laboratory.
Climate, Climatic Change, and Society
CLICCS will explore climate change with broad expertise. CLICCS will investigate how the climate changes and how society changes with it, thereby feeding back on climate. Understanding these changes, including how societies adapt, will enable us to assess with far greater confidence than before the range of imaginable climate futures.
3D Matter Made to Order
The vision of the Cluster is to establish scalable digital three-dimensional (3D) Additive Manufacturing reaching all the way from the molecular, via the nanometer and micrometer, to the macroscopic scale. This vision is nothing less than the ultimate digitization of 3D manufacturing and material processing.